
Non-habitual residents

oes the 0% measure of tax on how reforms apply to all European pensioners?
Yes, except for the state's work. This new measure is addressed exclusively to pensioners who have worked in the private sector and employed in general.
1. Only gifts benefiting from the protective fabrics of this regime as people who Renam as conditions to be considered residents in Portugal.
Thus, to say of its displacement to Portugal and while neo gather those conditions, it must solicitiramente its inscription as a resident Neo in any financial service, being obliged to the name of a representative Portugal. To the citizens from the paeses Contriz).
The members of the European Union and the European Economic space are hereby exempted from appointing that representative, but should say of the inscription as in the resident, indicate the address of the other European Union or the European Economic space and Present the supporting document.
In this regard please consult a constant information of 3.4 and 5 of article 10. Decree-Law no 14/2013, of 28 January, and points 4.2.3. and 4.4. of Ofocio circulated no 90017, from 2013-02-28 (available at
2. Where they are met as necessary conditions (in particular having remained in Portugal but 183 days, followed or interpolated, or having remained for less time, on 31 December of that year, to assume con Emdiçaes that they intend to Maintain and occupy as habitual residence), you can apply for registration as a resident in the usual.
This request must be formalized through an application to the Director of registration services of Contributeintes (direction of registration services of contributors Av. Joel XXI, 76-6th Floor 1049-065 Lisbon), which must be instructed with a declaration on how No requirements have been found to be considered resident in Portuguese territory in any of the five years preceding the one in which he intends to in-cio the tax as resident in the usual.
In this regard please consult a constant information of article 16 (1), (2) or (5). The IRS's C-code or point 3 of Circular no 9/2012, of August 3, 2012, of the Office of the Director-General, which made the amendment of Circular No. 2/2010 of May 6, the direction of services of the IRS (available at
If you have contributed an activity of high added value, you should also be introduced supporting documents of your exercise.
3. The enjoyment of the right to be taxed as a resident in the usual year depends on the contribution being, that year, is considered resident in Portuguese territory (in particular, demonstrating, in each year, that it remained in Portugal but 183 days, followed or interpolated, or having remained for less time, which, on 31 December of that year, had to assume in terms that they assume the intention to maintain and occupy it as habitual residence).
In this regard, it consults the requirements of tax residence if in article 16. The IRS code-see article 16 (1), (2) and (9). The IRS code (available at
In the case of citizens of the European Union, the PDF for more than 183 days in Portuguese territory may be attested by a certificate of registration of the European Union, issued by the City Council of the ' Rea.

Do I need to abbreviate a Banciria account in Portugal?
Yes, because you have to report to your Paes from a bank account for the future payment of your thinking.
For the approval of this application, it must have remained 183 days, followed or interpolated, in Portugal. If still neo has elapsed this period of Joelma in national territory, must make proof of intention to remain, through the acquisition of a habitation.
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